Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

Dollar increases, what should I do?

There are a few frequently asked questions these days to which I looked for answers in order to make my readers happy. I talked to experts. I summarized mutual points of different views.

* I have a few dollars, what should I do? Sell or keep?

Answers to this question depend on conditions.

1) If you have a considerable amount of dollars and your need for Turkish Lira is growing you might sell it. But sell a moderate amount. Don’t sell all of it. Keep dollars.

2) If you have a limited amount of dollars and you are not in need of Liras, it is better to wait a little longer.

* Would you recommend buying dollars in order to protect the value of my money?

Experts generally recommend not buying immense amounts of foreign exchange these days if not absolutely necessary. This is because the dollar has gained much value and its best to wait a while for a drop.

We need not forget that it is impossible for any one in the world to predict the future of the dollar in a concrete and healthy way.

No one knows anything. Everyone is guessing. Some are rightÉ and some are wrongÉ But everybody takes a guessÉ in such a uncertain environment it’s best to wait.

Not too long ago it was believed that a potential agreement with the IMF would save us. A Turkey clutching at IMF anchor was meant to strengthen its economic management image by evoking trust in local and international markets. Such an agreement was to bring about $25 billion and point to Turkey for those who are looking to invest their money in a safe haven.

But the prime minister virtually wasted our time. If there had been an agreement with the IMF they wouldn’t have been so free to distribute refrigerators, spending would have been limited or inspected and an election economy would not have been exercised. Erdoğan, acting with this in mind, preferred pleasantly sounding propaganda language regarding the IMF stepping on his throat. He will stick to this language until the end of elections. He will say he did not agree with the IMF for our sake. When elections are over the agreement will be signed but votes will be taken and then it will be too late. Potential advantages from the IMF agreement will be lost. Even if Turkey signs the agreement with the IMF today it will not obtain the expected advantages.

It will not calm down markets or prevent the rise of the dollar. It’s too late now.

The prime minster is completely condemned in his political benefits and paved the way for unemployment of hundreds of thousands of people. You’ll see in months ahead unemployment will rise and people will make Erdoğan pay for his mistake. With his attitude Erdoğan treats the Turkish public unfair.


TÜBİTAK is an institution for science and technology and the country’s pride. It is where people work who believe in positive scienceÉ Apparently it seems that it is no longer the case.

Apparently this institution is no longer led by people who, like Darwin and the Western World, believe humans are derived from a monkey species and developed into today’s form. Instead maybe it is led by Islamic minds that believe science is god given?

The news aired on Kanal D Prime Time and on CNNTürk is scary. UNESCO announced 2009 as the "Darwin Year" because of the 200th birthday of famous scientist Charles Darwin. TÜBİTAK reserved the March cover page of its science and technology magazine "Bilim ve Teknik" for Darwin. But as the magazine was in the printing process the vice president of the institution Professor Ömer Cebeci interfered and eliminated articles regarding Darwin, and dismissed Editor-in-Chief Dr. Çiğdem Atakuman. Unbelievable.What is wrong with TÜBİTAK? Is there any other more obvious sign of politics infecting a scientific institution? Can such an institution be led based on these minds and still provide benefits for the country? What a shame.
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