Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

TSK has conducted internal investigation for 4 months

I’m not sure if you noticed. On Friday, Feb. 13, I touched on the subject that the Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK, have moved proactively against a campaign directed toward the TSK and the spreading of the image that some retired and active duty officers trying to wear out the political administration and create the impression of being involved in illegal operations in the name of the state. The TSK has begun extensive investigation to find the truth of the matters on its own.

I know about the TSK’s sensitivity. It expends huge efforts not to bring discredit to its name and cleanses itself from time to time by conducting an investigation of even the highest ranks.

But nowadays the situation is different.

There is so much gossip and disinformation spreading about the TSK that the man on the street slowly starts saying, "If 80 percent of what’s being said is false, the remaining 20 percent needs to be investigated and the responsible people punished."

I too drew attention to this development and said, "The General Staff needs to come before the public and say a serious investigation will be started and those involved in these matters be punished."

The General Staff is acting

Not much time had passed after I wrote my article, when I talked to a retired general who is closely acquainted with developments in the TSK, who keeps the TSK advised and who is trusted by the General Staff. He read my article. Within the context of our relationship based on mutual respect he told me one very important thing:

"Birand, I’m sure that the General Staff has started the investigation you were talking about in your article four months ago. No one should doubt it. The armed forces know very well how to be proactive. It does not fear punishing those who act outside the law and regulations, no matter what their rank or competency might be. It does it with great secrecy."

As you might guess, I was astonished.

Afterward I called other resources. I went to the bottom of this development.

The General Staff really has silently started a big investigation that only a few people know about. It includes examination of:

w Which officer on active duty has a relationship with which association and type of activity is going on in this association.

w Which retired upper level general has a relationship with which association, who writes for which paper or appears on which TV channel. (According to information I obtained, an important part of retired military personnel have received warnings due to their speeches, statements and unnecessary actions and have been told to stay away from such actions. Most of them have obeyed these warnings. The other part did not stick to the warning.)

w Tendencies and relationships of those who know intelligence information of military movements and those who are allowed to read the TSK’s intelligence information.

w Allegations regarding tenders and purchase and sale.

w Tendencies in party or ideology of active duty personnel as much as the civilians in staff

Other news that also stunned me was the research conducted regarding the famous diaries found on former CNO Adm. Özden Örnek’s computer known as the "military coup diaries" of the TSK.

Also present investigations of military coup diaries

I also learned that an investigation has been started for military coup attempts under the code name of "Sarıkız" (Golden Maiden) and "Ayışı" (Moonlight) planned during the period of 2003 to 2005 against a political reaction, but due to lack of support by the Chief of Staff and military forces they were abandoned. I heard that the respective report was the size of a large book.

I have never heard of such an investigation before and don’t know the outcome either. I never read about it in the media. In fact, I couldn’t prove all you read in this article. Despite of all that, the reason I do not hesitate to write about these developments is that I trust this source of mine.

Of course now with good reason you might ask, "Why does the General Staff not explain this? Wouldn’t the public be happy if shared with them?" As I said before, despite TSK’s new Chief of General Staff Başbuğ being more accessible than former chiefs he is still reluctant in the relationship with the people. Old customs are still in progress. He prefers to be introverted.

He expects to solve internal problems without branching out. Despite their ability to use information power very well and effectively from time to time, when it comes to internal affairs they become silent. But on the contrary, their trustworthiness and respect in the public’s eye will increase as their transparency increases.

If, in the briefing this Friday, questions are asked regarding the above written matters, we’ll find out how true or far-fetched they are.
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