Gila Benmayor - English
Gila Benmayor - English
Gila Benmayor - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

Women love Obama

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Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey, or KAGİDER, is led by an extremely hard-working, colorful, affectionate and smart woman. She is at the same time the owner of Ticket Turk, Gülseren Onanç.

Onanç managed to organize the last KAGİDER monthly meeting in the following morning of Barrack Obama’s inauguration ceremony. We were welcomed by a legendary Aretha Franklin song as we enter the hall for the meeting.

At that moment, we were not thinking neither Israel’s Gaza offensive, nor Ergenekon, nor the global crisis. Onanç’s excitement for Obama spread among us in the room. Everyone was extremely optimistic.

"I have opened my eyes to a new world this morning. Obama is an opportunity to make the dream come true for a better world," said Onanç which I believe all women wish the same.

And she rephrased a few key points from Obama’s historic speech. "We want a period where the polarization will come to an end and differences will diminish. We will never give up on the rules of law and on advocating human rights. If the market works for the rich only, justice will never be accomplished."

The other side of Obama’s brain
A world of equal; most importantly a world where resources are shared equally.As Onanç said these are the expectations of the KAGİDER members from Obama. Perhaps all women in the world have the same expectation because while I was watching the inauguration ceremony I realized that mostly women were happy and in tears among the crowd.

Obama without doubt loves women too and trusts their support. The number of females in his staff at the White House is relatively higher than that of the previous presidents. Before I start talking about the female staff of the new U.S. president, I want to mention his wife Michelle Obama, who is known as a lover, a wife and a confidant. In their political approach, the couple is inseparable, just like the Clintons who remain together despite all odds. As for the female staff, the person called "the other side of Obama’s brain" is Valeri Jarrett, a friend of the Obama family from Chicago.

Susan Rice who was his foreign policy adviser during the election campaign and is the newly appointed U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, in addition to Hilda Solis the new Secretary of Labor, are two names Obama trusts the most.

During the Obama administration, the Unite States will make a U-turn from the George W. Bush policies and focus on the global warming issues. And a woman leads this project: Carol Browner. Political experts say of her that "she will be the global warming czar of Obama." I was watching Hillary Clinton’s speech the other night. Regardless of speculations, the Obama Administration’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a politician I do respect.

Diplomacy returns with Clinton once again
I listened to her in 1995 for the first time in a crowded hall. It was a women’s summit held in the Chinese capital Beijing. And I believe the Hillary Clinton then was not much different from the Hillary Clinton now.

She adopted a political stance in favor of democracy, human rights and women’s right in particular. And she maintains it today.

In her first speech as the secretary of the state, Clinton said that she would bring "diplomacy" back to U.S. foreign policy.

Do you think "diplomacy" will carry the ray of hope to the Middle East suffering from dissolution for years?

How will Clinton’s new position affect Turkey?

In a negative frame of thought, we know that she supports the Armenian genocide bill hanging over our heads like the "sword of Damocles". We know as well that she criticized Obama for being mellow to Iran.

By hoping that she may develop more realistic policies in these issues let’s remind her that Clinton knows Turkey very well and always supports Turkey’s EU membership bid.

In summary, I believe Hillary Clinton, as one of the most powerful names in Obama’s "female staff" and as the new U.S. state secretary will be good for Turkey.
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